Monday, July 7, 2014

Florida Supercon 2014


      So last Saturday, I went to FSC! If there's one thing that I learned about myself, it's that I'm seriously getting old.  Several years ago, I used to go to conventions with so much energy and I'd be home past midnight.  Now I just go to a few panels, eat food, and go home by 7-8pm.  It's all good though, all I really wanted was to go to Jason Momoa's Q&A and take a picture with him.  And that's exactly what I did! During the photo op, I asked him if we can pose with a crazy face (totally worth $45 xD).  He drank so much beer during the Q&A and only god knows how much he drank before then. He was super cool with his fans!  I told myself that I wouldn't really spend money at the vendors section....but I ended up buying a shirt and a couple of posters. It was a good day and hopefully next year I'll be able to cosplay!

 Jason Momoa's crazy face. lololol

 The shirt I bought! Chibi Jon Snow and chibi Ghost!

The poster collection begins...

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