Wednesday, July 9, 2014

To Go Summer Look (inspired by Bubzbeauty)


      I was watching a couple of makeup tutorials (Bubzbeauty and Michelle Phan are my go to makeup gurus!) and I found one that was pretty simple to do.  I don't have a lot of experience with foundation and primer but I thought it could be fun to at least do the eye makeup part with what I already have.  I'm starting to like the color's such a cute color; I use it a lot!
      I'm also gonna go on a little journey to find out which makeup products suit me best and hopefully I can find ones that won't make my skin breakout or make my face look like cake lol.  I could also use some better brushes to apply my makeup and make cleaner lines, add blush, ya know the drill! This will be fun. ^^

 Lavender is probably my new favorite color! GAH.


Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Sunset Eye Makeup


      Today I wanted to experiment with red eyeshadow but this was the darkest shade of red I had in my eyeshadow palette (it's more like red-orange!).  I decided to use gold eyeshadow for the base and then blend in the red-orange eyeshadow at the end of my eyes thus why I called it the Sunset.  Then I used dark brown eyeliner, a mixture of liquid and gel (liquid for my eyelids to make the cat eye and gel for my waterline).

I gotta buy a better camera....I'm using my phone.

This is Awkward Jerbabycakes.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Jerbabycakes + makeup = ?

I'm a total noob with makeup but I think I'm pretty okay with eye makeup!  I'm still doing research on what is a good foundation, concealer, etc and correct techniques to use. I go on Youtube and watch makeup tutorials; those help out a lot.  Thank goodness for makeup gurus. I'm going to try different shades of eyeshadow throughout the week and see which ones look good on me. ^^ Today I decided to use white and light blue eyeshadow to match my cute chibis shirt!

Florida Supercon 2014


      So last Saturday, I went to FSC! If there's one thing that I learned about myself, it's that I'm seriously getting old.  Several years ago, I used to go to conventions with so much energy and I'd be home past midnight.  Now I just go to a few panels, eat food, and go home by 7-8pm.  It's all good though, all I really wanted was to go to Jason Momoa's Q&A and take a picture with him.  And that's exactly what I did! During the photo op, I asked him if we can pose with a crazy face (totally worth $45 xD).  He drank so much beer during the Q&A and only god knows how much he drank before then. He was super cool with his fans!  I told myself that I wouldn't really spend money at the vendors section....but I ended up buying a shirt and a couple of posters. It was a good day and hopefully next year I'll be able to cosplay!

 Jason Momoa's crazy face. lololol

 The shirt I bought! Chibi Jon Snow and chibi Ghost!

The poster collection begins...

Friday, July 4, 2014

GTA Online: "Independence Day" Event Fan Art

Happy Independence Day!

      While everyone went out to watch fireworks and cook BBQ, I spent the day with my boyfriend playing video games and ended the day with launching fireworks on the pier in GTA Online! This is one of my favorite updates from GTA; the outfits are awesome! I drew some fan art of our characters the day before.  I had a lot of fun drawing this that I may just do this for every future update/event they come up with! ^^  And here are some screenshots from le game.  If you wanna join me and play, my PSN is xdbakadx.  If ya send me a friend request, make a message telling me that you've seen my blog!

 I hate drawing stars. They always come out derp-looking. But overall, I'm satisfied with it!

 Jazz hands!

Lookin' good, baby! 

Ignore the random blood speck on my chest.